1. Apply to Gwinnett Technical College at www.gwinnetttech.edu for the Fall Semester. Application for the MRI program will be available March 14th.
2. Submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities that you have previously attended including transcripts showing completion of a JR-CERT accredited Radiography, or Radiation Therapy program, or a JRC-NMT accredited Nuclear Medicine program, or a JRC-DMS accredited Diagnostic Medical Sonography program.
3. Submit proof of active ARRT status (R, N, T, or S), or active NMTCB status (CNMT), or active ARDMS.
4. Completion of the ATI TEAS exam is required to apply to the program. The official TEAS scores that you submit must be less than four years old on the application deadline of June 1st of the year you are applying. If needed, you can register to take the test at https://gwinnetttech.edu/programs/assessment-testing-center/.
5. Once all admission’s documents have been turned in and the only pending requirement is the Program Director’s Approval, an MRI/CT Advisement Form will need to be submitted. The form can be found at www.gwinnetttech.edu/enrollment/forms-documents/.
6. The Program Advisement Form can be submitted via email to Healthteam@gwinnetttech.edu or in person, by appointment only, through the Qless app, at the Lawrenceville or Alpharetta-North Fulton Campus. Official copy of the ATI TEAS scores must be included with this form.
7. June 1st is the deadline to have completed all admissions requirements and to submit the Program Advisement Form. Thus, please allow yourself enough time to complete all requirements. You can check your admissions status following these steps: Go to gtc-web.org > Click on Apply/Check Application Status > Scroll to the bottom and follow instructions on how to check status. To obtain a copy of your ATI TEAS Exam scores, please follow these steps:
a. If you registered Gwinnett Tech as your institution when you first created your ATI TEAS account, log in to your account and print a copy of your ATI TEAS score report. Please attach the copy to your advisement form.
b. If you took your TEAS Exam at a different college or university, please visit the ATItesting.com website, login to your account, click on “My Results”, select “Share Results”, and select Gwinnett Technical College AH. Once you have completed that process, please retrieve a copy from our GTC assessment center to turn in with your advisement form.
8. Applicants meeting criteria are accepted based on the overall GPA of their primary program (program that granted the student his or her ARRT status,or NMTCB status, or ARDMS) and their TEAS exam score. Additional points towards the competitive process are granted to GTC graduates from the following program: RADT, DMS, ECHO, or CT.