Dec 02, 2024
2021-2022 Course Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
BSCI 2220 - Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Analysis Prerequisite: BSCI 1111 , BIOL 1111 /BIOL 1111L , CHEM 2211 /CHEM 2211L , Prerequisite/Corequisite: BSCI 2290 A survey of common laboratory methodologies currently used in bioscience, and how to collect, assess and analyze data from these various methods. Methods examined include nucleic acid extraction, purification and characterization, PCR, Real-time PCR, bacterial transformation, restriction digest and analysis. Students learn to analyze sequences, select primers and utilize polymerase chain reaction as a diagnostic tool. Contact hours: Class - 0, Lab - 8. Credit hours: 4 (Su)