2021-2022 Course Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Dec 26, 2024  
2021-2022 Course Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

CCMN 2500 - Commercial Construction Management Internship-Practicum

Prerequisite:  CCMN 1040  ,CCMN 1060  or CCMN 1070  , and CCMN 2020  students must be 18 years old
This course provides the student an opportunity to gain real-world experience by working with a local AEC industry service provider. The minimum required Internship hours are 30 hours per week for 8 weeks or 15 hours per week for 16 weeks. Total of 240 hours minimum for the entire semester.  Contact hours: Class - 0, Lab - 9. Credit hours: 3 (Sp, Su)