2021-2022 Course Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Dec 21, 2024  
2021-2022 Course Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

RNSG 2102 - Concepts of Pediatric Nursing

Prerequisite: Program admission, RNSG 1101 , RNSG 1102 , RNSG 1106 RNSG 1107  or RNSG 1500 ; and PSYC 2103 ENGL 1102  
Corequisite: RNSG 2101 .
This course prepares the nursing student in providing planned, compassionate, evidenced-based nursing care for children, and their family members as a member of the pediatric healthcare team. Concepts related to pediatric nursing will be introduced, and care of the child/adolescent with health problems. Emphasis is placed on health promotion, restoration, and maintenance of the client and family. Knowledge and skill necessary to care for these populations will be addressed by utilizing the nursing process, using critical thinking for management of care, and providing client and family education. Pharmacologic principles are incorporated as they relate to the pediatric client. Students will provide care incorporating essential nursing science, biophysical, psychosocial, spiritual, and cultural principles. Supervised clinical simulations and inpatient/outpatient hospital experiences will provide the student opportunities to meet course competency 4.  Students enrolled in this course will be assessed a $53.75 cost recovery course fee in addition to tuition and fees.  Fees are subject to change at the end of any semester. Contact hours: Class - 2, Lab - 6. Credit hours: 4 (F).