2024-2025 Course Catalog and Student Handbook 
    Jan 24, 2025  
2024-2025 Course Catalog and Student Handbook

Academic Policies

The purpose of Gwinnett Tech’s academic policies is to ensure fairness and consistency in the manner in which academic performance is administered, evaluated and communicated to students. Academic performance is measured by comparing the student’s actual acquisition of skills and knowledge with the prescribed learning outcomes of courses and programs. Such skill and knowledge, validated by the Technical College System of Georgia and local occupational advisory committees, is designed to prepare students for successful entry and advancement in their respective career choices.

Academic Freedom

Gwinnett Technical College embraces and adopts the following statements of policy as published by the State Board of the Technical College System of Georgia.

Gwinnett Technical College supports the concept of academic freedom. In the development of knowledge, research endeavors, and creative activities, faculty and students must be free to cultivate a spirit of inquiry and scholarly criticism. Instructors are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject, but they should be careful not to introduce into their teaching controversial matter which has no relation to their subject. Faculty and students must be able to examine ideas in an atmosphere of freedom and confidence.

Gwinnett Technical College safeguards and protects these rights of academic freedom by providing faculty and students the right to initiate grievance procedures should they have complaints dealing with the infringement of or personal penalization as the result of the exercise of this freedom.

Gwinnett Technical College also recognizes that commitment to every freedom carries with it attendant responsibilities. The faculty members must fulfill their responsibilities to society and to their profession by manifesting competence, professional discretion, and good citizenship. When they speak and write as a citizen, they will be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As professional educators, they must remember that the public may judge their profession and their institution by their utterances. Hence, they should at all times be accurate, exercise appropriate restraint, show respect for the opinions of others, and make every effort to indicate they are not speaking for the institution.

At no time shall the principles of academic freedom prevent the institution from making proper efforts to assure the best possible instruction for all students in accordance with the objectives of the institution.

Intellectual Property

Through its mission, Gwinnett Technical College is dedicated to the dissemination of knowledge that is vital to the workforce needs of the community. The college also affirms its commitment to innovation and encourages faculty, staff and students in the development of new teaching methodologies, scholarly works, educational software, and all other intellectual property. Students may obtain a copy of the full intellectual property policy in the office of academic affairs. 

Academic Integrity 

Gwinnett Tech expects students, faculty, and staff to conduct themselves with honesty, character and academic integrity. Academic integrity is defined by the Center for Academic Integrity as “a commitment, even in the face of adversity, to five fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility” (AcademicIntegrity.org). Gwinnett Tech promotes and expects all members of the college community to conduct themselves professionally and with academic integrity. 


Gwinnett Tech considers academic integrity an integral part of learning. Any infraction of this honesty policy is detrimental to the student’s education and the integrity of the College. The following cases of dishonesty are strictly forbidden, including but not limited to:


  • Using someone else’s words or ideas, or using the essential style and manner of expression of a source as if it were one’s own, without giving credit to the source via quotation marks, parenthetical citation, footnotes, or which ever mode is appropriate for the specific convention being used;
  • Using your own previous work (recycling/re-purposing) - all work must be unique to the specific given situation;
  • Copying on a test or assignment by an method of conveyance, including but not limited to visual materials, oral communication, notes, printed matter, or electronic means without proper citation;
  • If there is any doubt the student should consult his or her instructor. 


  • Copying/submitting another person’s work, including the unauthorized taking of someone else’s work, including but not limited to: homework, written papers, examinations, laboratory assignments, published work, circuit designs, software, etc.;
  • Alteration of any academic grade or rating so as to obtain unearned academic credit;
  • Deliberate falsification of a written or verbal statement of fact to a Faculty member and/or Institutional Official, so as to obtain unearned academic credit, or the invention of any information in an academic exercise, such as the use of ready-made tests or term papers, or falsifying data in a lab record or a student record, including a record of attendance;
  • The forgery, alteration, or misuse of any Institute document relating to the academic status of the student, and/or any act that distorts or could distort grades or other academic records.

Unauthorized Aids

  • Use or attempted use of prohibited materials, information, or study aids in an academic exercise used to provide unfair advantage to that student or used to convey information to another student. For example, using an unauthorized formula sheet during an exam, using unauthorized notes, or unauthorized equipment/websites/software [including but not limited to programmable calculators, cell phones, ear buds/phones, smart devices, generative artificial intelligence (AI), etc.];


  • Allowing another student to have access to your work, thereby enabling that student to represent the work as his or her own;
  • Unauthorized interaction with another student or students in the fulfillment of academic requirements;
  • Using another person’s file, flash drive, diskette, or copying another student’s computer program;
  • Sharing course materials or copyrighted materials, including but not limited to tests, course work, homework, etc., by any means, including but not limited to photographic/electronic sharing (social media, cell phone, etc).


  • Having someone else take a quiz or exam in your place or assisting someone in any way during a quiz or exam, or using any unauthorized electronic device or other unauthorized methods of support during a quiz or exam.


  • Destruction of another student’s work, such as a model, a lab experiment, a computer program, or term paper.



  • This policy covers all students enrolled in credit classes.

Student Responsibilities

  • When responding to a charge of academic misconduct, a student may:
    • Deny the charges and request a hearing;
    • Admit the charges and request a hearing to determine sanction(s);
    • Admit the charges and accept the sanctions imposed by the instructor without a committee hearing;
    • Request a leave of absence from the college. The academic integrity matter must be resolved prior to re-enrollment;
    • Request to withdraw permanently from the college.

Hearing Procedures

The student has the right to due process.  If a student feels he or she is wrongly accused and requests a hearing, the Office of Academic Affairs will assemble a five-member committee including two faculty members from the division in which the incident was initiated (but outside of the program concerned), one faculty member from another division, one member from student affairs, and one division dean. The student has the right to be assisted by any single advisor he/she chooses, at his/her own expense. The student is responsible for presenting his/her own case and, therefore, advisors are not permitted to speak to or to participate directly with the committee. This step, including any student and/or faculty interviews and the committee’s written response to the student by the division dean on the committee, should be completed within seven calendar days.  The determination of the committee is final.

Student Rights and Responsibilities in a Hearing

  • A student accused of an academic integrity violation is entitled to the following:
    • Review the written evidence in support of the charge;
    • Ask any questions;
    • Offer an explanation as to what occurred;
    • Present any material that would cast doubt on the correctness of the charge;
    • Determination of the validity of the charge without reference to any past record of misconduct.


  • A hearing committee may use any one or more of the following disciplinary measures for addressing instances of dishonesty:
    • Find in favor of the student and take no action;
    • Award a zero for the assignment;
    • Assign a failing (“F”) grade for the course;
    • Recommend the dismissal of the student from the program;
    • In cases serious enough to warrant suspension from the college, the matter will be referred to the conduct officer for review.

Academic Status 

Students attending Gwinnett Tech are expected to meet certain academic standards. Students who maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C) or better are considered to be in good academic standing. 

Academic Warning 

Students who do not earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C) will be placed on academic warning. “Academic Warning” will appear on the student’s transcript. Additionally, when accessing grade reports via BannerWeb, “Academic Warning” will appear on a student’s grade report. Notification of academic standing will be sent to the student’s Gwinnett Technical College email account. Students who earn a minimum semester GPA of 2.0 (C) for the following semester but do not have an average cumulative GPA of 2.0 (C) will remain on Academic Warning. 

Academic Probation 

Students who do not earn a minimum semester GPA of 2.0 (C) for the next semester of enrollment following an academic warning will be placed on academic probation. “Academic Probation” will appear on the student’s transcript. Additionally, when accessing grade reports via BannerWeb, “academic probation” will appear. Notification of academic standing will be sent to the student’s Gwinnett Technical College email account. Students on academic probation will be limited to enrollment of no more than 12 credit hours for the period of probation. 

Academic Dismissal 

Students who do not achieve a minimum semester GPA of 2.0 (C) for the next semester of enrollment following academic probation will be dismissed from the college. “Academic Dismissal” will appear on the student’s transcript. Additionally, when accessing grade reports via BannerWeb, “Academic Dismissal” will appear. Notification of academic standing will be sent to the student’s Gwinnett Technical College email account. 

Students who have been academically dismissed from the college will be eligible to return after one semester. Additional admissions testing will not be required unless the applicant fails to meet minimum admission standards as required by a particular program of study. Students who return after academic dismissal will be placed on academic probation and will be limited to enrollment of no more than six credit hours for the period of probation. Additionally, students must meet with an Enrollment Center advisor prior to registration to complete a contract that outlines a plan to support their academic success. Readmitted students who do not achieve a minimum 2.0 (C) grade point average for the first semester of re-enrollment will again be academically dismissed from the college and will not be eligible to return for another full semester from the ending of the semester of dismissal. Students not enrolled for two or more semesters must reapply to the college.


For the best chance at academic success, students are encouraged to be punctual and attend all classes for which they are registered as scheduled throughout the semester. Students anticipating an absence or tardy should contact the instructor in advance or provide notification as soon as possible. Students who are called to military or jury duty should inform their instructors and, if appropriate, the Financial Aid and Veterans Affairs offices prior to their absence, and provide appropriate documentation.

Although Gwinnett Technical College is a non-attendance taking institution, the student is responsible for missed instructional time and is expected to seek permission for make-up work at the discretion of the instructor. If the student does not participate in classes, submit assignments, or, when applicable, contact instructors in a timely manner (either in person, by phone, or by e-mail) a failing grade(s) may result. Special participation policies may be enforced for some classes due to hour requirements necessary for completion.  An instructor may also establish a grade based on a student’s class participation.

Withdrawal Policy

Each semester, students’ class schedules become official upon payment of required fees (either by the student or by award of financial aid). Students who drop a class during the drop/add period will be removed from the class roll, and the course will not show on the student’s academic record. A 100 percent refund is issued for classes dropped during the drop/add period of the term. 

Thereafter, students may officially withdraw from a course without academic penalty by the designated withdrawal date for the semester and receive a “W” grade for the course. The “W” grade is not computed in the student’s grade point average, but does count in terms of financial aid eligibility. To officially withdraw from a course, students can withdraw online or meet with an Enrollment Advisor in the Enrollment Support Center to fill out the appropriate forms. Students who must withdraw from all classes will have to do so in person at the Enrollment Support Center. There is no refund for classes withdrawn after the drop/add period of the term. 

If you are awarded financial aid, please refer to the Return to Tile IV Financial Aid Withdrawal Policy  section of the catalog to determine the impact withdrawing from courses may have on your financial aid.

Hardship Withdrawal Appeal

Students have the right to appeal for a Hardship Withdrawal with the Academic Affairs Office. Consideration of a Hardship Withdrawal is limited to certain criteria which may include, but is not limited to: hospitalization of the student, the death of an immediate family member during the semester of the withdrawal, the student being assigned to active military duty or jury duty for more than three consecutive days during the term. The student must have withdrawn from, or failed, all courses in the affected term for the appeal to be considered. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the Academic Affairs Office no later than one week into the following term. All decisions on appeals of hardship withdrawals rendered by the Academic Affairs Office shall be final. 

No Show 

Students who do not participate or attend during the first week of classes will be designated as “No Show” and will be removed from the class roster. Online students who do not participate during the first week of the semester will be dropped as a “No Show.” For on-campus or blended courses, students must attend or participate online during the first week to avoid “No Show” designation. When submitted as a “No Show,” the course will not appear on the student’s academic record and any eligible tuition and fees will be refunded. Financial aid students will be responsible for all charges related to any classes for which they are designated as “No Show.” Financial aid will not pay for “No-Show” classes. 

It is the student’s responsibility to confirm his/her registration status for each course during the registration and drop/add periods each semester. The “No Show” process is the College’s administrative recordkeeping process, and students should not attempt to use or rely on this process to ensure classes are removed from their schedules. The responsibility to withdrawal from registered courses that are no longer desired to be taken resides solely with the student.

Competency-Based Courses 

Course syllabi identify those competencies that should be demonstrated by students in order to successfully complete a course. Course syllabi may also identify certain competencies as critical. Competencies may be further described and/or governed in supplemental course policy statements, schedules, assignment lists, etc., provided to students. 

Assessments of a student’s level of competence may be achieved by, but are not limited to, the following methods: written, oral and/or practical quizzes, tests and examinations; assigned written and/or oral projects (including homework assignments, term papers, classroom presentations, etc.); and classroom, laboratory, and/or clinical observations of student learning activities. 

In order for a student to receive credit for a course, the final weighted average of all course assessments must be a minimum of 70 percent. However, failure to demonstrate achievement of any critical competency(ies) by the end of a semester will result in a grade of “F.” 

Students who fail to demonstrate achievement of any critical competency(ies) during the semester may, if authorized by the instructor, be given an additional assessment opportunity to demonstrate competence. The additional opportunity will be comparable to, but not necessarily identical to, the initial assessment. The maximum grade awarded for the additional assessment will be determined by the instructor. 

A student who fails the final assessment of any critical competency(ies) during a semester may be administratively withdrawn from the course if continued participation is deemed harmful to the student and/or to others. 

Course Cancellation and Instructor Changes 

Gwinnett Tech will make every effort to offer scheduled courses. The College reserves the right, however, to cancel courses due to insufficient student enrollment. In the event of a course cancellation, the academic affairs office will give students the option of receiving a refund, if appropriate, or changing to another class based on availability. The College also reserves the right to change instructors, as well as course dates, times and locations from those published in the course listings. 

Learning Support 

Gwinnett Tech offers academic support through learning support courses for students whose transcripts, SAT scores, and/or placement tests in math, reading, and/or writing indicate a lack of academic preparation for regular programs of study. Students whose transcripts or placement test scores show an underdevelopment in any or all of these areas are required to successfully complete the appropriate learning support course(s) before they are fully accepted to a program of study. The required learning support courses are identified during the admissions process and reported to the student. Learning support courses are divided into two tracks - certificate/diploma and associate degree level. Student test scores may indicate that a sequence of both diploma and degree learning support courses are needed. 

Elective Courses 

Students must choose approved electives based on the list provided in the program of study area in the catalog of their year of acceptance. 

Prerequisite Courses 

Students must meet the prerequisite requirements based on the current catalog. Prerequisites are listed in the catalog under Course Descriptions .

The First Year Experience Course (FYES 1000)

The First Year Experience course (FYES 1000 ) is an integral part of every student’s first semester experience at the college. It is a required course within the academic curriculum of all degree and diploma programs at the college, as well as most certificate programs. To achieve the most from this academic requirement, all incoming new beginning and transfer students, and readmitted students are required to enroll in FYES 1000  during their first semester of enrollment. There are limited criteria which may exempt a student from taking this course based on qualifying number of credit hours previously earned at other colleges or previous degree(s) earned. 

Students who believe that they may qualify for an exemption from FYES 1000  and have not requested transcript evaluation should e-mail RegistrarsOffice@GwinnettTech.edu to have previous college transcripts evaluated. Steps to request transcript evaluation are listed under Web Registration Instructions. Students will receive an email notification when the evaluation is complete. Students who are not eligible for exemption after the evaluation will need to enroll in the course. 

Students who do not enroll in the course during their first semester, those who do not pass, and those who withdraw from the course during their first semester will be sent notifications to their student email accounts regarding the need to enroll in the course during their second semester of enrollment. Students identified as needing the course as part of their program’s curriculum and do not enroll during the second semester are subject to an advising hold on their accounts prior to registration for the next or future semesters. Students with an advising hold would be required to meet with an Enrollment Advisor in the Enrollment Support Center to ensure they have been advised of this missing academic and graduation requirement for their program of study. 

An Enrollment Advisor at the Enrollment Support Center can confirm a student’s FYES 1000  course requirement in their program of study. For additional questions or information regarding the course requirement, contact the Enrollment Support Center at EnrollmentSupportCenter@GwinnettTech.edu


The purpose of Gwinnett Tech’s grading system is to establish policies and standards which are fair to all students and ensure that all courses include an effective and uniform policy for assessing and awarding grades. The grading system and course weights for each course are explained to students by the instructor at the beginning of the semester and are included in the course syllabus. Grades are posted on BannerWeb at the end of the semester and are available for student access and review. 

Letter Grades - Values of letter grades are as follows:
A = 90 - 100 I = Incomplete TR = Credit by Transfer
B = 80 - 89 W = Withdrew A* = Learning Support
C = 70 - 79 AC = Articulated Credit B* = Learning Support
D = 60 - 69 AU = Audit/Warranty C* = Learning Support
F = 59 and below EX = Credit by Examination   

For students to receive credit for a course, a minimum of 70 percent (C) is required. This course must be completed with a “C” or better before the student will be eligible to start any additional course work that requires this class as a prerequisite. 

When students successfully repeat a course in which they received an “F”, the new grade is added to the transcript. The “F” also remains on the transcript. An incomplete grade can only be given to students who are passing a course but who cannot complete the course for good cause. These students will be awarded an incomplete, or “I” grade, and will be given an extension of three weeks into the following term to complete the course. If the work is not completed within 21 calendar days from the first day of the following term, the “I” grade will be automatically awarded an “F” grade for the course. Under extenuating circumstances, the student may petition the course instructor in writing for a specified extension of time beyond the three-week period, but must do so and receive approval prior to the end of the initial extension period. 

Course Repeat Policy/Forfeiture of Credit 

If a student registers for a course for which he/she has already received credit, the student forfeits the previous credit in that course for graduation purposes and the new grade will be calculated for purposes of meeting graduation requirements. Students who receive a grade of “D”, “F”, or “W” three times for the same course will be prohibited from retaking the course at the college. Exceptions to this policy can only be made by the Academic Affairs Office. 

Work Ethics/Employability Skills

Nationally, as well as in Georgia, employers have expressed concerns about work ethics as one of their top issues. The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that 80 percent of workers who lose their jobs do so not because of the lack of occupational skills, but because of poor work ethics. In response, the Technical College System of Georgia requires that technical education include an evaluation of occupational skills and work ethics. The ten work ethics are identified and listed below:

  • Attendance: the student attends class, arrives/leaves on time, notifies instructor in advance of planned absences, and makes up assignments punctually.
  • Character: the student displays loyalty, honesty, trustworthiness, dependability, reliability, initiative, self-discipline, and self-responsibility.
  • Teamwork: the student respects the rights of others, is a team worker, is cooperative, is assertive, displays a customer service attitude, seeks opportunities for continuous learning, displays mannerly behavior.
  • Appearance: the student displays appropriate dress, grooming, hygiene, and etiquette.
  • Attitude: the student demonstrates a positive attitude, appears self-confident, and has realistic expectation of self.
  • Productivity: the student follows safety practices, conserves materials, keeps work area neat and clean, and follows directions/procedures.
  • Organizational skills: the student manifests skills in personal management, time management, prioritizing, flexibility, stress management, and dealing with change.
  • Communication: the student displays appropriate verbal and nonverbal skills.
  • Cooperation: the student displays leadership skills, appropriately handles criticism and complaints, demonstrates problem-solving capability, maintains appropriate relationships with supervisors and peers, and follows chain of command.
  • Respect: the student deals appropriately with cultural/racial diversity, and does not engage in any harassment of any kind.

Gwinnett Technical College instructs and evaluates students on work ethics in all technical programs of study. An online work ethics unit is included in an entry-level course in each program of study to equip students with knowledge and skills that are essential to workplace success. In each program of study, an online work ethics unit is included in an entry-level technical course (not a general education course) to equip students with knowledge and skills that are essential to workplace success. Grade(s) from the work ethics unit are factored into the student’s final course grade.

Grade Appeals 

A student who elects to appeal an academic grade is required to adhere to the following process:

Step 1. The student first appeals his/her final grade to the course instructor. The appeal must be written and submitted no later than the 10th instructional day of the following semester. The instructor will provide a decision in writing within five instructional days. If the instructor does not respond within the designated time, the student must move on to Step 2 and also notify the Office of Academic Affairs that he/she did not receive a response from the instructor.

Step 2. If the appeal is denied at Step 1, the student may appeal to the appropriate division dean/designee. This appeal must be written and submitted within five instructional days after receipt of notification from Step 1. The division dean/designee will provide a decision in writing within five instructional days.

Step 3. If the appeal is denied at Step 2, the student may appeal to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. This appeal must be submitted through the Gwinnett Technical College, Report-A-Concern link (located on the main GwinnettTech.edu webpage) within five instructional days after receipt of notification from Step 2. The student must submit any documentation that he/she wishes to be considered with a written statement indicating the student wishes to continue to Step 3 of the appeal. The Vice President of Academic Affairs will review the appeal and determine further steps to be taken. If deemed necessary, the Vice President of Academic Affairs will assemble a three-member appeal committee including one faculty member, one staff member from Student Affairs, and one division dean/designee. When meeting with the committee, the student has the right to be assisted by an advisor of his/her choosing, at his/her own expense (if an expense is incurred by hiring an advisor). However, the student is responsible for presenting his/her own case; therefore, advisors are able to observe but not address the committee. A written decision will be provided to the student within ten instructional days. The decision of the Vice President of Academic Affairs or the appeal committee, if assembled, is final. 

In complex cases, the Office of Academic Affairs may notify the student that an additional 10 instructional days will be needed to respond.

During the grade appeal process, unless otherwise advised by the Office of Academic Affairs, the student should continue to attend classes in which he/she is enrolled. Regardless of the appeal outcome, students are responsible for all tuition and fees incurred.

Grade Changes 

Instructors may change assigned grades up to the last day of the following term in which the grade was originally assigned. Any requests for grade changes after this period will require approval by the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

Grade Point Average (GPA) 

A student’s academic standing is based on a cumulative and term grade point average (GPA). All credit hours attempted at Gwinnett Tech in any program of study are used in calculating the GPA. Credit earned in other institutions, credit by examination, credit by articulation, and credit given for learning support classes are not used in computing GPA. 

The numerical grade points for academic letter grades are as follows: 

A =   4.0 D =   1.0
B =   3.0 F =   0
C =   2.0    

The grades of EX, I, W, TR, AU and AC do not have numerical grade points and are not used in calculating the GPA. Learning support courses are awarded grades of A*, B*, C*, D* or F*. These courses do not generate grade points and are not used in the calculation of the academic GPA. 

Course Transferability 

Transferability of Gwinnett Tech courses is assured by all other Technical College System of Georgia technical colleges. Occupational and academic core courses in the associate degree curriculum are transferable to other colleges and universities at the discretion of the receiving institution. To facilitate the transfer process and maximize the number of credits applied toward a bachelor’s degree, Gwinnett Tech has established articulation agreements with accredited four-year colleges and universities. Articulation agreements between the Technical College System of Georgia, the University System of Georgia, and the Georgia Independent College Association also specify general education courses that are guaranteed to transfer between SACSCOC-accredited institutions. Each year, Gwinnett Technical College hosts its annual Transfer Fair to provide students an opportunity to meet with representatives from the college’s articulation partners and learn more about pathways to a bachelor’s degree. Visit Articulation-Agreement for a listing of Gwinnett Technical College articulation agreements. If you have additional questions or if your interests are not fully represented in the college’s established agreements, please contact the Academic Affairs Office or your program director.